Sthef Millan


Exploring the unknown territories of the mind, as an unplanned walk towards the human condition, towards concepts inaccessible to  poken language: the evidence of modern emptiness, the ephemeral nature of existence and identity, and the ignorance of our own psyche as a society and as individuals.

My work is the voluntary reaction to living the illusion of control in order to avoid chaos. Starting from an early fascination with the human mind and a later interest in its relationship with the metaphysical, I focus on what we call “reality” and the dilemma of existence: the one we accept (collective) and the one we think (individual), the dystopian postmodernity and its ambiguity between the superfluous and indispensable, the timeless and ephemeral, the contemplative and disruptive, the light and the dark. All based on the premise that art
transcends beyond our lifetime.

My language, in constant development, focuses on oil and other experimental media on canvas and cardboard. I often work with a limited palette that gives the sensation of simplicity, strokes that oscillate between the purely intentional and the frenetic, between the abstract and the figurative, relying on the rupture of traditional procedures in a subtle way through contemporary portraiture, geometric and expressionist forms.

These pieces of work have been created in Chile. The presented series consists of 6 pieces of 25x25cm format, whose motif arises after an intense migratory experience between Venezuela and Argentina, and multiple cultural experiences that have (dis)connected me with people and realities of all continents. That is why my first line of exploration deals with identity and uprooting in modern society from an existentialist perspective and a timeless atmosphere, hoping to fill that void with emotional contemplation.


I am currently looking to share my project and connect with its viewers. My latest series, entitled (DIS)CONNECT, consists of 6 pieces of 25x25cm format, made in oil on canvas. Its line of exploration deals with identity and uprooting in modern society from an existentialist
perspective and a timeless atmosphere, after an intense migratory experience between Venezuela, Argentina, and Chile, and multiple cultural experiences that have (dis)connected me with people and realities of all continents. I hope to fill the void of existence with emotional contemplation and (dis)connection with “reality” through my art.